Monday, March 17, 2008

Working Joe Tension

Unlike tug, tug, tugging along

Swooning over the Savannah

Camelias blossom

Tis the season

Our hearts tug

And radiate brightly

Hope is as bright

as the sun

shining down

(On the Savannah River).

Motionless Movement

The water stirs

The war is over

The War has just begun

(so says the military dick)

It’s been tug, tug, tugging along

It seems … forever.

Pranks from the White Hause

The Copters

Military Might

Working Joe singing

Let the idealogues

Of this concocted war

Allow bushie, chainy, rumsy, and wolfy

Understand their failure

Let gingry, Gingrich, Neocon

Stand and be true to his word

Stand in front of

Sunni + Shia + Kurd viewpoints

A new Millennium

Just like the old one – The Crusades

Nine-fifty, (950) to ten-fifty AD, (1050)

The nightmare, all over again.

Push IRAQ,

Push bushie, chainy, rumsy,

And now condie,

Push US money,

Hundreds and hundreds

Of billions

Push, Push, Push

US economy

left behind


To the Working Joe

Hey wait, negotiate
bushie don’t negotiate

Unlike the war

The Georgia Mockingbird

Surveys his Savannah domaine

And cries tooah, tooah :

Sorry Working Joe

This war’s a lie.

Herb Wolf III Savannah, GA April 4, 2007